Mission & Vision


Bharat Enterprises Energy’s mission is to be a leading reference in the renewable energy solutions sector, and make it a popular source when it comes to the micro-generation of clean and sustainable energy. As a renewable energy integrator and provider, we aim to offer the highest quality products and solutions, saving our customers money with lower energy costs, while creating a better public perception in making positive contributions to our environment.


Bharat Enterprises Energy believes that everyone has the right to generate their own energy, be it in their homes with Solar thermal for heating their water, Solar electric or Wind electric for lighting or powering their appliances, or even with devices that use renewable energy to power up your mobile gadgets while on the move. We are proud to give our customers the choice in taking control of their energy costs.

While always prioritizing the needs of our customers and striving for their total satisfaction, our aim is to continue to innovate with the development of our Renewable Energy solutions, allowing you to have a better quality of life, while contributing to the preservation of a cleaner planet with a smaller carbon footprint.